JustRight Software Corporation

Investment Opportunities

Systems Analysis

Thank you for your interest in our company.

JustRight Software Corporation is a private company with not intention of moving into a public ownership model. Although listing a company in any of the stock exchanges around the world can quickly bring large amounts of capital to a company, the result quite often go against the interest of clients, employees, shareholders and even society.

Nevertheless, we occasionally offer great investment opportunities to people around the world. Every time we accept investments for particular ventures, we pay safe and high returns on your money that are much better than the meager returns offered by your local bank or government bond.

If you are interested in receiving information about new investment opportunities as soon as they are released, please fill up the form and we will keep your data confidentially in our investors database. We treat your data with care and we will never release it to any other company or person.

Investor Registration Form

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We wish you great returns on your investments.

Data Center



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